Hello every One and welcome to the Final Scene of Act III in ‘The Story of Tiffany, Tanja, Michael, and the Magnificent Estate Fraud Cons Piracy’, once again Starring Jove the Pathetic Ponniah, Supervisor of Operations for the Toronto Ontario Superior Court of Justice. Allegedly, Toronto is the busiest of all the Courthouses in the province of Ontario, so One would also be thing King that some of the most competent People would receiving documents for the Court to ensure the Rules of Civil Procedure are strictly followed. Apparently, not the case… Jove doesn’t appear to know what documents are even required by the Rules!

Yes, this Man is infuriating Me!!! I believe he is deliberately trying to antagonize Me at this point, and I am so sick and tired of his continuous gaslighting, pretending he doesn’t know how criminal all of this conduct is, and what an ass he’s making of him Self and the repute a Sean of the Crown he allegedly represents, frankly. I advised him that continuing to send Me private emails would be considered harassment – the only reason to not respond to every One is because he knows he’s not providing a suitable answer and doesn’t Wish to expose his criminal conduct and incompetence to his peers, and superiors in particular.
But I guess the Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Arif the Vile Virani doesn’t Mind that I’m as King for three million dollars a day for Jove’s incompetence because he is allowing for it to continue. I guess they just print whatever money they need anyway, making Canada’s People pay for any compensate-Sean, so what does he care? It’s not like the ‘Crown’ is going to have to fork over any money, it all belongs to the People anyway. They’re great at spending other People’s money and making the People pay for it – it’s been the corporate grift of CAPITALIST Canada since 1867.

Arif ‘the Vile’ Virani, Canada’s Minister of Just-is.
As per usual, Our day starts with a Magical Casting Call for Action.
Once again, Jove the Pathetic Ponniah sends Me a private email. I’ve already advised him not to, this is with INTENT to antagonize Me, hoping I’m going to start using language that Will allow him to frame Me as the aggressor – typical, immature, narcissistic behaviour. He also pretends once again that he has no idea what I’m as King him for.
This was SO infuriating, it took a few emails to dis-Spell all the Magic and Cast it in a new Direct-Sean. First, reminding Jove I consider this continuous gaslighting and pretending to be the village idiot who has no Idea what I’m as King for, is harassment.
This is EXACTLY the same nonsense I endured with the Bracebridge Courthouse, and I’m not putting up with it again.
And of course he doesn’t reply. Jove the Pathetic Ponniah knows damn well he’s been aiding and abetting Court and Insurance fraud, and he’s hoping he doesn’t get caught. Too late, We’re only waiting to see how much Jove the Pathetic Ponniah chooses to aggravate the circumstances to be taken into consider a Sean at the time of SENTENCING for his crimes. $183 million is what he’s into Me for now, and I don’t think he has it and don’t know what else I can do to motivate him to apprehend the criminals and put a stop to the criminal conduct taking place in his Courthouse!
So tomorrow We’ll let Jove the Pathetic Ponniah know what Canada’s Criminal Code has to say about trespass upon a Trust or Testamentary Instrument, Interfering with Justice with criminal intent to influence Justice and deprive People of their right to participate in Matters concerning their interests, fraud, perjury… I’m sure the list is huge. We’re hoping that maybe when Jove begins to understand how his position with the Court is considered an ‘aggravating’ factor to be taken into consider a Sean for sentencing for his crimes, perhaps he Will respond more favourably or at least hold the criminals of his court responsible. The only reason I Imagine Jove would not do this, is if all this fraud and corruption has been taking place BECAUSE he allows it to.
We’ll be taking another brief inter-Mission tomorrow as We prepare the Stage for the next Act, so please stay Tuned in.