Hello every One and welcome to the Mage I Call (Magical) Monday Matinee where We are Casting a Roll Call for State Actors to Play on the World Stage in this Universal Pictures very Special Present a Sean.
Please Keep in Mind, these are still the Opening Ceremonies, We are Setting the Stage and Casting Characters for the future Product-Sean. Today’s Feature photo is another His Story Call Art I Fact Showing the Second and Final Notice of Civil and Criminal Liability served upon all the fraudsters in Our Story before they were Noted in Default Judgement, Nihil Dicit, Res Judicata.
No One has had anything to say in response to these Notices, and ‘Nihil Dicit’ means, ‘He says nothing’ in Latin, and is a Maxim in Law. If a Man does not defend her or his Honour, she or he is presumed to be guilty as charged because the Law presumes any Honourable individual would defend their Honour.
The email below is a Magical Monday Gift of Presents to brighten this Blue Monday for Nital S. Gosai. Nital S. Gosai is one of the other victims of the fraud with Claims she Wishes to bring against Tiffany Singh and My father, Joachim von Dehn. My father died three months before the Claims were filed, so I’m reasonably confident he’s not responsible. I can’t say for sure because I don’t have all the inform a Sean, only the Title of the Claim and the lawyer for the injured parties making the Claim. There is still another Claim I do not have the contact information for yet, Valued at $1,000,000.00.
“Maybe You’ll have more Luck bringing these criminals to Justice – I’m apparently not entitled to any protect-Sean of the Law in Canada,”
the Hand of the King, Letter to Nital, lawyer for plaintiff
Yes, a sense of Humour is Paramount. But this was far from the only Act of Magical Spelling Cast into Man’s Macrocosm for this Universal Product-Sean today! If One reads the email they Will Notice that the Default Judgement awarded against the criminal fraudsters served upon the Ottawa Superior Court is included. Remember, We have not heard a Word from any One from the Ottawa Courthouse since the defendants were Noted in Default, OR from any opposing counsel!
No, the Real, most Magical Spelling of Magic to Brighten this Blue Monday with a little Inspire a Sean, is My Motion to settle the Order because the Court has not responded to Me since the Default Judgement was Issued. It’s only fair to advise opposing counsel that if they don’t know the default Judgement against them is binding, their ignorance is not an excuse for the Law and Will have zero impact on the interest accruing on the Principle Value of the Claim. Now they know We Will be Interested until We receive Relief and Remedy. Now the Court is just aggravating Me. The Court is also jointly and severally liable for making the incorrect decision on behalf of the Crown, aggravating the harm, rather than providing relief and remedy.
The Motion to Settle the Order, which includes an attachment of the Trust Instrument on file with the Minister of Justice and Attorney General, and the Default Judgement awarded against opposing counsel for their trespasses upon it, was forwarded to Jove Ponniah and Nital S. Gosai so that Nital and Jove know why I’m losing My patience with the Ottawa Superior Court.
Is this Show getting more interesting yet? Is it Inspire a Sean all enough to Brighten this Blue Monday? Blue Monday is a Real thing, said by some One to be the most depressing day of the year, third Monday of January every year.
I Will confess, I had never heard of it until today but I find it rather kismet when Gifted with the consider a Sean that it Signifies a very depressing day for those who are trying to take advantage of Canada’s Justice system by perverting the Rule of Law.
More to come soon, I’m sure. Thank King or Queen You for Your patronage.